Best Sexologist in Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Welcome to sexual health doctor (sex expert) - Dr. Ramesh Maheshwari’s clinic for sex counseling & therapy. He is the Best Sexologist in Pune & Mumbai, India for advice/treatment on all sex problems like Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Premature Ejaculation (PE), painful sex (dyspareunia), penis size (small) shape angle issues, difficult first time sex (non-consummation), lack of sexual desire, absent/lack of orgasm pleasure, sexual burnout syndrome (SBS- see page 6 of this website) homosexuality, gender identity, sexual abuse, masturbation and circumcision questions and worries, phimosis, Para phimosis and addressing this problem without circumcision surgery. Sex is a biological need and one of the most intimate and pleasurable of all human experiences. However, it can become a major concern for some persons who face recurrent sexual problems. Almost every person faces sexual or relationship problems at some time or other during his/her lifetime and is really bothersome...