
Showing posts from April, 2018

Franchisees WNHO Health India Web Clinic

WNHO'S FRANCHISEES WNHO Introduction Join the natural way towards good health -Since last 30 years, WNHO has been treating chronic diseases with satisfying rate. Our program provides excellent results to relieve chronic diseases by using microcellular rejuvenation activated herbal globules. Testimonials of patients as video available on you tube. Great Benefits of WNHO Clinic fit for life Franchise Familiar Name WNHO Clinic Proven Business System- WNHO Clinic has been existing since 1999, recorded an average CAGR of 50% per year. We have considerable brand recognition and name familiar throughout. Franchisee’s risk profile is zero and the statistical of success are very high. Reap the benefits of a 'per existing customer base' which would ordinarily take years to establish. Most important you can start at your place without any extra investments. WNHO Clinic - Fit for Life Franchisees national marketing efforts. WNHO clinic has three-pronged marketing strateg...
NOV 3, 2017 DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE (ONLY FOR REGISTERED DOCTORS) FELLOWSHIP  IN SEXUAL MEDICINE & PSYCHO SEXULAL THERAPY Fellowship in Sexology Affiliated to ICM & IBCM . Details -Course Co-Ordinator - WNHO CLINIC , TILAK ROAD , PUNE 411030. Ph. No.-(020)4121108, (020) 24463540, Mobile No- 9822006427. Note in Fellowship Candidate must Write 100pages thesis. Fees – Diploma Rs.30, 000/ Fellowship- Rs.50, 000/ Human Sexuality This course presents a comprehensive view of human sexuality and to the sexual attitude restructuring process. It covers topics such as endorsement, communication, fantasy, masturbation, homosexuality, bisexuality, desensitization and resensitization, female and male sexuality, sexual enrichment, special problems, therapy, and cultural expression Sexual Behavior This course examines the development and expression of sexual behavior as a complex psychological, socio-cultural, biological, and historical phenomenon. It includes research me...