Best Sexologist Tip Better Sex

It is very essential to be content with each other for a couple in a relationship. Enjoying your partner's company and the things one does improves the relationship by notches. Sex also plays an important role. However, there are some things which you must remember, before you start having sexual intercourse. Following these will not only lead to safe sex, but also will result in a better relationship.
  1. Increase activities you do before coitus such as hugging and kissing: Women usually take a longer time to get aroused according to researchers. This is a problem for men and they must counter this by having increased moments of hugging and kissing:. It helps more than you think. A long hug secretes oxytocin which is the primary hormone, which women get aroused by.
  2. Increased foreplay: Women fantasize a lot when they are in the middle of sexual intercourse as well. Therefore, to stop these fantasies, it is important to perform a lot of foreplay. The foreplay not only reduces the fantasies of women, but it helps keep the fantasies on you as well.
  3. Feel comfortable with sex toys: They allow for many things to happen including, but not limited to the woman being on top when you are engaging in coitus. Feel comfortable with these sex toys as a women being on top helps in better stimulation.
  4. Oral sex is needed: It has been proven by researchers that oral sex stimulates much more than sexual intercourse and that oral sex allows women to orgasm more than coitus.
  5. Understand the anatomy of a woman: Women have several very sensitive nerve cells on the clitoris. If you overuse these nerve endings, then your woman will not derive as much sexual satisfaction and may even get hurt. Therefore, to minimize damage to your woman, you must go back and forth otherwise it may be painful for her in the later stages.
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